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Abbott, C. (1992).
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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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Genetic analysis of the mouse using interspecific crosses. Trends Genet. 4: 18-23.
See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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Genetic disease detection and DNA amplification using cloned thermostable ligase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 189-193.
See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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Genetics by gel electrophoresis: the impact of pulsed field gel electrophoresis on mammalian genetics. Trend. Genet. 3: 167-171.

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See also MGI.

Bartolomei, M. S., Zemel, S., and Tilghman, S. (1991).
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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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Bishop, C. E. (1992).
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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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Analyse génétique de croisements interspécifiques Mus musculus L. X Mus spretus Lataste: liaison de Adh-1 avec Amy-1 sur le chromosome 3 et de Es-14 avec Mod-1 sur le chromosome 9. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 289: 545-548.
See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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The wild house mouse and its relatives. In Genetic Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse., Lyon, M. F. and Searle, A. G., eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), pp. 649-662.
See also MGI.

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Prèsence d'un facteur de stérilité mâle, Hst-2, segrégant dans les croisements interspécifiques M. musculus L. x M. Spretus Lastaste et lié à Mod-1 et Mpi-1 sur le chromosome 9. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris 294 Ser. III: 691-693.
See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also Chromosome Committee Reports at MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

Committee on standardized genetic nomenclature for mice (1989).
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See also Mouse Nomenclature Guidelines at MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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Linkage map. In Genetic Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse., Lyon, M. F. and Searle, A. G., eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), pp. 416-427.

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Recombination percentages and chromosomal assignments. In Genetic Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse., Lyon, M. F. and Searle, A. G., eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), pp. 432-505.
See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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Recombinant congenic strains - a new tool for analyzing genetic traits determined by more than one gene. Immunogenetics 24: 416-422.
See also MEDLINE.

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Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In Protocols in Human Molecular Genetics Methods in Molecular Biology 9, Mathew, C. G., eds. (Humana Press, Clifton, NJ), pp. 169-182.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

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See also MGI.

Donis-Keller, H., Green, P., Helms, C., Cartinhour, S., Weiffenbach, B.,
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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MEDLINE.

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See also MGI.

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